Wednesday, March 20, 2013



  1. Hey Brenda!!! I totes love your blog!! INSPIRATIONAL!! So I love how you do Giuliana's hair!! I like how her hair like swoops in the front (like long bangs) right by her cheeks so I was hoping you could give some advice!! Every time I tell my hairstylist that I want these she cuts them and I end up with them WAY too short (even though I bring pics) Yuck! Any tips on what I can tell her so she will cut them correctly/how I can cut them- I'm starting to doubt her expertise lol Or just how to get them to lay right on my face and look like G's??? PLEASE AND THANK YOU... save me from my bad hair :/

  2. I dont know lol!!! if you show pics and all maybe go to someone else;) if she always cuts too much shes eithr scissors happy or just doesn't get it????? a lot of it is how you style it too...medium to large round brush roll backwards and keep close to forehead...i'll post a pic soon to show
